Giovanni Costagliola

Education: Degree in Law, University of Rome

Year Joined: 2022

Languages: Italian and English

Giovanni Costagliola

Legal Consultant

Giovanni Costagliola graduated in Law in 2018, from the Faculty of Law of the University of Palermo, with a thesis on comparative private law entitled "The illegal contract in the Italian civil law and English common law". During his undergraduate years, he won a scholarship to the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), where he concluded his studies in English in international legal disciplines, as well as perfecting his knowledge of the English language.

Following his graduation,  Giovanni obtained a Master's degree in 'International Hospitality, Events and Tourism management' from Oxford Brookes University, acquiring an advanced academic English certificate from King's College, Oxford.

Professionally, Giovanni is a legal consultant based at Giambrone & Partners' Palermo office. Prior to joining Giambrone's office in Palermo, Giovanni worked, while practicing law, at the District Attorney's Office INPS - Province of Palermo where he practised both in civil and in some other areas of law, such as social security and welfare law.

In addition, from November 2021 until April 2022 he worked on insurance law at a law firm in Cefalù, where he wrote opinions and assisted his dominus in the activities at the Justice of the Peace of Termini Imerese.
Some of the cases he has recently worked on are: drafting of injunctions, legal advice in the field of social security and welfare, liability pursuant to Articles 2043 and 2051 of the Italian Civil Code, updating clients on hearings at the Justice of the Peace, proceedings for Atp pursuant to Article 445 bis of the Italian Civil Code, in-depth research into complex issues of case law.

Languages:  Italian, English and Spanish