Jessica Fumagalli

Jessica Fumagalli

Trainee Lawyer

Jessica Fumagalli is Trainee Lawyer at our Civil Litigation & Family department in the Milan office.

Jessica graduated in Law from the University of Milan-Bicocca (December 2022) discussing her thesis on "Protection of minors and principle of best interests: between normative analysis and jurisprudential impact" thanks to which she is the winner of the GNOSIS Association in collaboration with the University of Milan-Bicocca award, acknowledging it as one of the best Italian thesis in family law. Jessica did her ex Art. 73 of Decree Law 69/2013 internship at the Juvenile Court of Milan.

Before joining our Civil Litigation & Family department, she worked at one of the most prestigious law firms in Milan focused on family law and at an international law firm.

Jessica has deepened her knowledge of civil law with a focus on family law, juvenile law and labour law. She is a native Italian speaker and speaks English.