Mario Bellavista

Mario Bellavista

Mario Bellavista is Head of the Criminal Law Department. He is a Criminal lawyer enrolled at the Palermo Bar Association since 1994 and the Register of Cassation Lawyers since 2006.
He is also a member of the Palermo Bar Council for the second term, where he is President of the Mediation and Arbitration Commission. He has handled important cases of national importance including the revision of the trial on the Via D'Amelio massacre, numerous mafia and international drug trafficking trials, the Silvia Melis kidnapping, the Montana and Cassara murders (in which he defended Totò Riina), numerous medical malpractices, aggravated fraud, crimes against the person, property and environmental crime cases.
Mario has been a lawyer for SIAE and NORDITALIA, he is considered one of the leading national experts in the field of corporate liability for administrative offences (Legislative Decree no. 231/2001), and was chairman of the Supervisory Board of Sicilia Digitale s.p.a. He has held various positions in public companies, and then became Sole Director of Sicilia Digitale and Member of the Supervisory Bodies of several regional public companies, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Amat spa, a member of the Board of Directors of Siciliacque, legal advisor to several municipal administrations on environmental crimes in the Sicilian Regional Budget and Finance Department.
He regularly takes part at conferences as a speaker on criminal law and criminal procedure law and author of several publications on the same subject. 
Languages: Italian and English