Zakaria Bouabidi


Education: Certificate of Aptitude for the legal profession from Southwest Pyrenees School of Lawyers

Year Joined: 2024

Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish

Zakaria Bouabidi

Zakaria Bouabidi, a partner, with a Certificate of Aptitude for the legal profession from Southwest Pyrenees School of Lawyers and was admitted to the bar in Toulouse, France. He is established as a trusted legal practitioner.
Zakaria's extensive experience and knowledge encompasses a wide range of legal areas. His specialises in civil procedure, company law, consumer law, insolvency law, and contract law. He has deep understanding of the intricacies of these legal domains and maintains up-to-date knowledge of the latest developments and reforms. In the field of civil procedure, Zakaria is skilled in navigating the legal processes involved in resolving disputes and ensuring fair outcomes for his clients.
He is well-versed in the rules and regulations governing civil litigation. His expertise in company law enables him to provide valuable insights and guidance to businesses of all sizes. He assists clients in matters such as corporate governance, drafting contracts, negotiations, mergers and acquisitions, compliance with regulatory requirements, and legal risk management.
Zakaria's comprehensive knowledge of company law allows him to advise clients on the most favourable strategies to enable them to achieve their business objectives. Zakaria's proficiency in consumer law equips him with the necessary tools to protect the rights and interests of consumers. He is adept at analysing consumer contracts, ensuring compliance with consumer protection laws, and representing clients in cases of consumer fraud, product liability, and unfair business practices. His goal is to ensure fair and transparent relationships between businesses and consumers, providing legal remedies when necessary.
In the field of insolvency law, Zakaria has in-depth knowledge of the legal framework governing financial distress and bankruptcy. He assists clients in navigating complex insolvency procedures, protecting their rights as creditors or debtors, and implementing effective restructuring strategies. His expertise in this area enables him to offer valuable advice to businesses facing financial challenges and where necessary, guide them through the insolvency process.
Zakaria's strong grasp of contract law allows him to provide comprehensive guidance on contract drafting, negotiation, and interpretation. He ensures that contracts are legally sound, accurately reflect the parties' intentions, and also protect his clients' interests. With his expertise, he helps clients avoid potential disputes and achieve positive outcomes in contractual matters.
Overall, Zakaria's expertise in these various fields of law, coupled with his practical experience and dedication to his clients' success, make him a highly sought-after lawyer. His ability to navigate complex legal issues, provide sound advice, and advocate for his clients' rights has earned him a reputation as a trusted legal professional in the commercial community.
Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish