Case studies

Our lawyers are frequently involved in important and landmark cases. The pages listed on the left-hand side of the page are the most recent cases in which the lawyers in Giambrone have participated in.


Giambrone versus Banc de Binary and Options FM Group

Giambrone launches two Class Actions and Regulatory Complaints against Banc de Binary and Options FM Group Giambrone has launched a three pronged attack on Banc de Binary and Options FM Group in an attempt to retrieve the funds lost by our...

Giambrone to provide assistance with implementation of new Israeli law banning the sale of binary options to foreign countries

Reuters reports today that the Israeli government has taken a significant step towards eradicating the scourge of binary options trading scams by drafting a law preventing the promotion and sale of binary options by online trading platforms based in...

The Supreme Court has ruled on the Foreign Spouse Income Rules

The Supreme Court has ruled in favour of the Government on the Foreign Spouse Income Rules for Non-European Economic Area couples The Supreme Court has ruled that the existing income rules relating to British citizens whose spouse is from non- European...

Giambrone offers Assistance to the FBI Global Investigation into Binary Options Fraud

America’s Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) announced its intention of pursuing organisations involved in binary options fraud across the globe. The FBI ’s Complex Financial Crimes Unit will seek to draw on the relationships that it has...

Giambrone participates in the ICAB International Trade Fair for the Legal Profession

Barcelona – Gonzalo Butori and Graziano Cecchetti , Partners at the newly opened Giambrone Barcelona office, attended the 4 th edition of the International Trade Fair of the Legal Profession held by the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB) on...

Giambrone Invests in Technology to Assist with Class Actions

Giambrone has invested in high-tech software as part of our on-going policy to constantly improve the services to our clients; particularly those involved in class actions against fraudulent brokers. Gabriele Giambrone commented “it is clear that...

Permission to Trigger Article 50 must be sought from Parliament

The government has lost the appeal in the Supreme Court relating to the triggering of Article 50 to start the Brexit process. Whilst this is a set-back to Theresa May’s timetable for severing British relations with Europe, it is not entirely...

Gabriele Giambrone travels to Israel to seal a Joint Venture with an Israeli law firm to facilitate the Banc de Binary Class Action.

The managing partner Gabriele Giambrone and the head of forex and binary options fraud department, Joanna Bailey , of Giambrone , an international law firm, will meet a leading Israeli law firm to conclude negotiations and devise a sound strategy...

Giambrone introduces litigation funding for complex forex and binary option litigation

Giambrone introduces litigation funding for complex forex and binary option litigation. International law firm Giambrone (SLG) has today announced a partnership with a global finance firm focused on litigation funding to finance...

Breaking News - Banc de Binary is shutting down its binary options

Further to the recent announcement that our Binary Options litigation team had confirmed a new partnership with a global finance firm focused on litigation funding to finance the increasing number of litigation cases relating to the forex and binary option...

Giambrone to assist Knesset State Control Committee in Israel to fight binary options fraud

Giambrone has written today to Dr. Karine Elharar , Chair of the Knesset State Control Committee in Israel, to provide evidence in its ongoing investigation on forex and binary options fraud. Giambrone´s International Forex Litigation team has been...

Financial Settlement in England following divorce proceedings abroad

The English High Court offers a Second Opportunity for a Fair Financial Settlement to Spouses divorced abroad under Part III of the Matrimonial & Family Proceedings Act 1984 Cross-border divorce raises unique issues, not the least being where to...

Germany considers that the re-drafting and re-negotiation of EU trade deals between the EU and the UK will exceed two years

As reported by German officials, a trade deal between the European Union and the United Kingdom may require more than two years to be negotiated. A cautious optimism can however be perceived in regards to the issue of citizens’ rights. “A ...

Fraudulent Binary Options Trading, have you been targeted?

As the festive season approaches many people fall prey to the persuasive powers of the binary option fraudsters. The tempting offer of 60-80% return on a “no risk” investment seems like a dream come true when money is exiting your bank...

The Supreme Court Ruling today will help to Clarify the Grounds for Inheritance Challenges of Adult Children

The Supreme Court ruling, expected today, in the case brought by Heather Ilott following her exclusion from her mother Melita Jackson ’s will should assist in clarifying the law relating to the grounds on which family members who are excluded from...

Giambrone Global Staff Conference in London Thursday 8 to Saturday10 December 2016

Giambrone hosted its most successful staff conference bringing together its entire staff from all of its offices starting on Thursday 8 December at 5 St. Andrew’s Holborn in the19 th century Court Room overlooking the largest Wren church in...

UK to face more red tape in post-brexit scenario

The UK is expected to face additional legal challenges in relation to its permanence in the single market in a post-Brexit scenario, as reported by Open Britain (a cross-party campaign for the best deal with Europe). Should the UK leave the customs union,...

Matteo Renzi resigns in constitutional referendum aftermath

Matteo Renzi , Italy’s now former Prime Minister , resigned in the aftermath of the referendum which had been commissioned to ask people of Italy if they wished to change the Italian constitution.  The decision to reject the reforms has created...

Italian banks trading in the red two days before the constitutional referendum

As Italians prepare to vote on a constitutional referendum on Sunday 4 th of December, fearful investors are already dumping shares in Italian banks. This could lead to chaos in Rome and eventually to a financial crisis. Monte dei Paschi di Siena ,...

EU citizens permanence rights to be guaranteed before Brexit talks

Theresa May is coming under pressure to abandon her stance in refusing to make any concessions to EU citizens in the UK prior to any concessions are extended to UK citizens in the EU from Sir Keir Starmer , former head of the of the Crown Prosecution...
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