Brexit Task Force to be formed by the Spanish Government to assist Spanish people and Businesses in the UK

The Spanish government is acting to address the concerns of the Spanish people and businesses that live and work in the UK. It is believed that there are potentially twice the number of Spanish citizens living in the UK than the 131,000 currently registered at the London and Edinburgh consulates. There is a growing concern as to how the UK’s departure will affect citizens from EU countries. 

A group of Spanish citizens formed a group called Surviving Brexit in an attempt to share information and guide UK based Spaniards in the best way to handle this unprecedented situation. The uncertainty is causing considerable anxiety amongst the ex-pat Spanish population. The vast majority of British people behave well but rise in racists incidents following the media campaign on immigration arising from the Brexit vote, leaves some people unhappy to speak in their national tongue in the street for fear of repercussions. 

Many Spanish citizens feel as if their lives are on hold, believing that decisions such as changing jobs or applying for a mortgage cannot be taken until the position relating to EU citizens has been make clear. Both sides in the Brexit negotiations seem to overlook the fact that the lives of several thousand people are hanging on the decision regarding the status of citizens who have moved to another country and now find that the whole basis of their security is now in question.

The sooner the British government and Brussels make a decision regarding ex-pats all over Europe the better for all; to indulge in brinkmanship is unacceptable and damaging to both individuals, families and businesses. A failure to provide clear guidance at the earliest possibility is the worst case scenario; it simply leads people to take their own initiative and try to work out which is the best strategy without being in possession of proper information to assist them. The Spanish government’s initiative will help Spaniards in the UK by providing a point of contact that will make available information that can be relied on.

For more information about this or any other aspect of Brexit please contact or call +44 (0)20 7183 9483.