The benefits of using an Italian dual citizenship service

Becoming an Italian citizen has many benefits, such as ease of travel, residency and increased employment opportunity. However, the application process can often be lengthy and may seem overwhelming. Find out how using an Italian dual citizenship service can assist you in the process and how it can benefit you.

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Why apply for Italian dual citizenship?

There are many benefits to obtaining an Italian passport and dual nationality. This is especially true if you already have commitments in Italy, such as a career, property, and a family. These benefits include:

  1. Ease of travelling between Italy and your home country
  2. Less travel documentation to organise and pay for
  3. Increased employment opportunities
  4. Access to Italian healthcare
  5. The right to vote
  6. The right to pass on Italian citizenship to your children
  7. The ability to intertwine yourself with your family tree, and to immerse yourself in the culture and language

You can read about the advantages and disadvantages of obtaining Italian dual citizenship here.

Applying for Italian citizenship is a lengthy and can be a complicated process, and it is pivotal to get the process right the first time, so you do not waste money and risk rejection. Read on for more information on the Italian citizenship process, and how a citizenship service like Giambrone can help get you avoid wasting your money on an unsuccessful application.

italian flag in the wind

Is it easy to get Italian dual citizenship?

Applying for Italian dual citizenship is a question of whether you have legitimate grounds to obtain Italian nationality. Applying for Italian citizenship can be made straightforward once you know what is involved and how long the process takes. One of the biggest issues of applying for citizenship in an EU country is the long timescales. It can be easy to lose motivation, so having experts available to discuss any questions you may have is an advantage to many.

Why are some Italian dual citizenship applications rejected?

It is a frustrating part of the journey- but the majority of dual citizenship application rejections are due to minor errors which could have easily been avoided. It is almost unheard of for applications to miss out on approval because of bigger issues. While this is a relief to hear, it also means you will be under a lot of pressure to submit a factually flawless application on behalf of yourself. Here are some of the common reasons for application rejection:

  • You submitted a short version of a document
  • You submitted a document in an incorrect format
  • You misspelt your first, middle, or last name
  • You detailed the wrong dates
  • You did not provide the required documents requested in order to apply for Italian dual citizenship

How can an Italian citizenship service help me with my application?

Citizenship services specialising in Italian immigration law can provide Italian citizenship assistance and work with you to ensure your application is successful the first time. Not only do they hold up-to-the-minute knowledge on Italian immigration law, but they will also speak Italian and will be well-educated on Italian culture. An Italian citizenship service like that provided by Giambrone & Partners offers the following services, and more:

  • Confidential phone consultations to understand your needs
  • Advice on the requirements you need to become an Italian dual citizen
  • Advice on which documents you need and how to prepare them
  • Proofreading service to ensure your application is free of error

woman on the phone

Getting help from Giambrone

Are you keen to become an Italian citizen, but you are unsure of how to complete an application on your own? Or, perhaps you have finished gathering your documents, but you need a professional to proofread them first.

Giambrone & Partners is part of an award-winning cross border law firm, which uses its global office network to provide dual citizenship assistance. Our team will help you to apply for dual citizenship by Italian descent. We offer a specialist service within our private client department, providing expert legal advice and assistance in matters of Italian citizenship and dual nationality laws.

Read more about our immigration services here. You can also visit our website and complete a callback request to get started today.

Frequently asked questions about applying for Italian dual citizenship

Does buying property in Italy give you residency?

You can apply for residency in Italy if you rent or buy a property; however, the application and status it provides you with is different to that of Italian citizenship.

Does the UK’s departure from the EU (Brexit) affect the application procedure?

Only if you are a British citizen applying for Italian or dual British and Italian citizenship, as there are extra entry requirements and measures in place. Brexit is complex and we’d recommend that you speak to one of our Italian immigration experts if you have any specific questions relating to your citizenship application after the transition period ends on 31 December 2020.

Can you live in Italy without citizenship?

Yes, you can reside in Italy without citizenship, however you won’t be granted the same benefits that come with being an Italian citizen. To learn more about alternatives to becoming an Italian citizen, contact our experts today.

How much does it cost to get Italian dual citizenship?

The Italian Consulate charges an initial fee of €300, which is more expensive than other EU countries such as Spain. This is not including the cost of processing accompanying documents, sitting language and culture exams, or other relevant fees. It’s best to speak to an expert if you are unsure of the costs - they will explain the costs and fees fully before you start.

Do you need to speak Italian to obtain Italian citizenship?

Like most citizenship applications for EU countries, you need to be able to demonstrate a reasonable level of the home language before you can apply to become a dual citizen. You must provide documentary evidence that you can speak Italian to B2 level or that you were educated in Italy. The exception to this is if you are applying for Italian dual citizenship through descent.

What is the difference between permanent citizenship and permanent residence?

If you have residency status, you can live in Italy providing you have family members who are Italian citizens. Permanent citizenship, on the other hand, gives you citizen status so you can have privileges such as voting, more travel flexibility and access to more jobs.

Can you get Italian citizenship through your great grandfather?

You can get Italian citizenship through descent if your great grandfather is Italian, or was adopted into an Italian family before his 18th birthday. Obtaining citizenship through ancestry is called “right of blood”, or “Jure Sanguinis”. Read our guide to qualifying for Italian dual citizenship here.

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How to complete an Italian dual citizenship form

The advantages and disadvantages of Italian dual citizenship

How to qualify for Italian dual citizenship