Golden Visa Portugal

Portugal’s Golden Visa programme has been popular since its inception in 2012, particularly for UK citizens. However, Portugal has amended the Golden Visa scheme to exclude residential property as an investment, the other categories remain.

A Golden Visa application that commenced before 23 March 2023 can continue. A successful applicant will receive a wide range of advantages and is the most flexible option in Europe.

The benefits of a Portuguese Golden Visa are as follows:

  • Freedom of movement across the European Member States and the Schengen Area
  • British citizens will regain their right of settlement in the EU Member States
  • No lengthy requirement to reside in Portugal – seven days residency for the first year and 28 days residency for the following years
  • Favourable tax regime for applicants who wish to permanently reside in Portugal
  • Worldwide income is exempt from tax
  • Any Portuguese source of income is liable to a flat tax rate of 20%
  • No inheritance tax or gift tax
  • Fast track route to Portuguese citizenship – five years
  • An applicant’s Golden Visa can extend to their wider family
    • Parents over the age of 65 years
    • Unmarried children under the age of 26 years in full-time education
    • Spouse
    • Children under the age of 18 years

Giambrone & Partners’ knowledgeable immigration lawyers can assist and guide you through the investment requirements of the Golden Visa scheme as well as providing current information on the costs and government fees to ensure that you will gain the maximum advantage.

For more information on Portugal's Golden Visa programme please click here.