Tunisian Probate and Trust lawyers

Giambrone's probate and trust administration services are offered both to in-state and out-of-state executors and trustees.

When coping with the loss of a loved one, these responsibilities can seem burdensome and unmanageable. Giambrone's lawyers in the estate and trust administration  scan provide help and support during a difficult time in the following areas:

  • Probate services;
  • Trust administration;
  • Asset retitling;
  • Asset distribution;
  • Other estate administration services; and
  • Trustee/beneficiary disputes.

If you need help with the probate or if you have been named as a successor trustee under a living trust, we offer a no obligation consultation with one of the lawyers in Giambrone's probate, trust and estate administration team. We can advise regarding trust administration duties. We can review trust instruments, assist with asset transfers and titling, prepare accountings and estate and fiduciary tax returns.

We can typically assist out-of-state personal representatives and trustees without the need to travel to Tunisia. We keep you advised of probate proceedings and facilitate a smooth transfer of property.

The lawyers in Giambrone's probate, trust and estate administration team are highly experienced and over the course of a year handle a considerable number of estate/trust administrations.

How Giambrone's Estate Administration Services Help

With years of experience in the probate and trust administration processes, the estate administration lawyers at Giambrone have wide-ranging expertise regarding inventory and assembling the assets, managing the claims of creditors, and assisting with other duties of an executor.  Our lawyers assist in settling the estate and providing the beneficiaries with their entitlement from the estate as speedily as possible in compliance with Tunisian law.

If there is a challenge or disagreement or possibility of confusion about the disposal of an asset in the deceased's estate, which can arise due to a poorly drafted will with ambiguous terms. Giambrone's expert lawyers will be able to resolve disagreements and avoid damaging conflicts within the family.

Our lawyers will always aim to avoid legal complications and find practical solutions to any issues that may arise.

Contact Us

If you require further information or advice from our team of specialist lawyers, please contact a member of our Client Relations Team by: